New to the Neighborhood?
If you are new to the neighborhood, then this page is for you! Hopefully you have been greeted by someone on our Hospitality committee usually bearing a gift basket, a copy of our Neighborhood Directory along with our Covenants and Restrictions. The directory provides contact information for your new neighbors, plus the current board and committee members.
We have negotiated a group rate with Waste Connections for the neighborhood. The rate for the trash pick up is $42 a quarter (as of 2019) and picks up every Wednesday. Visit our Neighborhood Discounts page for contact information.
Recycling service is also provided by Waste Connections and is $11.50 (as of 2019) a quarter. Recycling is picked up on every other Friday. You will receive a large trash can for each of Waste Connection’s services.
City of Knoxville residents fund fire and ambulance service via city taxes, but Knox County coverage is provided by Rural/Metro Fire. County residents pay an annual subscription fee to Rural Metro based on the size of the house. Rural Metro coverage is not compulsory, but should you need fire or ambulance service you will be billed for services rendered. If you choose not to obtain coverage, be sure to check with your homeowners insurance to verify the level of coverage in case of a fire.
We try once a quarter or so to have a ladies night out so that we can get to know everyone better. The group usually meets at The Chop House in Franklin Square due to its great location! We have had several Men’s night out gatherings and are are hoping to schedule more in future.
We have two of these per year. The Bishops host a summer party at their pool usually before school starts and then we have a winter function (in lieu of a Christmas party) at a neighbors house in February.
Our neighborhood tradition since it’s inception is to put out luminaries on our sidewalks every Christmas Eve. We provide each neighbor with the bags and candles needed for your home, and you provide the sand, kitty litter or fertilizer to put in the bag to stabilize the candle and weight the bags. The candles last for about 12-15 hrs so it truly is a beautiful sight on Christmas Eve. In the event of rain or bad weather we typically move it to Christmas night, but an email communication will be sent out ahead of time in this scenario.
We have an annual Homeowners meeting every Fall where the neighborhood elects new officers of our board and discusses topics relevant to the neighborhood. Each board member serves a term of two years. With four board member positions, 2 year term limits and only 52 houses, the board is always looking for folks to serve! Visit our HOA Board and Committees page for more information on board positions and committee structures.
Our annual dues are required to be paid by June 1st. The HOA Dues page includes current costs, late fees and other information. A letter will
usually be sent to your home sometime in May. Neighborhood dues cover upkeep of the islands, utilities, insurance, luminary costs, annual social events and also support the paving of our portion of Franklin Hill Boulevard, which is a private road.
If you have any questions not answered here, do not hesitate to use our contact form to send a message to the HOA board.